Okay, I will admit it; I am a bit of a fanatic about wanting to walk my path in this lifetime as the inspired evolution of my soul. It is, in essence, what we all want and yearn for. Perhaps this sounds a little cliché, but it is my truth.
Like many, I have studied multiple forms of meditation and healing over the past thirty or so years, and have gone through many transitions, many mini deaths and rebirths.
Each experience and training session and or program that I had undertaken over the years would facilitate new glimpses into my heart; to better see and know the light of my soul. There were many layers to work through. I have often referred to the process as being like an onion. And yes, there was anxiety and fear and moving through what felt like a wall of emotional sludge; lots of it; okay, sometimes for months at a time.
Like many healers, I also yearned to assist others in their quest for health and wholeness. I desperately wanted to be out of the corporate world so that I could focus on my healing and evolution. While I continued to work for practical life reasons, there was a continuous restlessness within me that kept moving me forward and pushed me to go deeper. After many years of practice, and several study programs, many of them quite costly, I decided that I needed to put some of my questing on pause and spend more time in reflection and with the profound healing and intelligence of nature. I moved, with my husband, to a remote island and went off the grid.
It was after taking time to allow myself to just breathe a little more freely, and be with the natural elements, that I discovered Medical Qigong. I had practiced other forms of Qigong over the years, but this form of Qigong came with a whole new twist.
After practicing for a number of months this particular form of Qigong movement, I was hooked. I had never been exposed to something that gave me so much added energy and improved sense of well-being in just a short amount of time and practice. While I won’t go into depth about the healing aspects of Medical Qigong (that would take a great deal of time and is far too much for a blog post), I will express that within the practice and teaching of Medical Qigong, I discovered some of the most inspiring ancient wisdom and teachings that were the roots of all Chinese Medicine. As you may have guessed, I embarked on another journey that would be deeply personal, deeply healing and deeply spiritual. This time, I felt like I was really coming home.
What I also discovered was a gentle, rhythmic way to commune with the Earth Mother and the Heavens; a way to connect the Universe of the outer worlds with the Universe that lies within me; within my heart and soul. In Medical Qigong, I was looking after my body, mind and spirit (Jing, Qi and Shen) in a whole new way. So many of us struggle to be in our bodies and frankly, to just be.
Qigong is a safe and gentle way to experience embodiment in exactly the right amount for our individual needs.
Anyone can practice Qigong; yes, anyone! There is no need to be at any particular fitness level and the movements can be adapted for each person’s needs; standing, sitting or laying down.
It is meditation, it is gentle health enhancing exercise, it is breath work, it is calming and soothing to the body and mind, and it is spiritually nourishing and expanding.
Something that is this powerful and accessible to anyone, just has to be shared with the world.
It is with joy from my heart and soul, that I practice, teach, guide and heal, using this ancient and very precious practice of Medical Qigong.
Feel free to reach out to know more about this beautiful and ancient practice.